Oats Fried Chicken Recipe

resep ayam goreng oats
resep ayam goreng oats

This Oats Fried Chicken recipe is delicious and perfect for those who want to try a new variation in preparing chicken fillet. This recipe is inspired by Singapore’s signature cereal chicken, which usually uses Nestum. However, this time we will use oats to provide a crunchy texture and a unique flavor. This recipe is great for those who are bored with the same old chicken dishes. Oats Fried Chicken can be enjoyed by the whole family, including children, because of its savory taste and distinctive aroma.

Oats Fried Chicken Recipe

To make oats fried chicken, first, we prepare the ingredients. For the chicken, we can use chicken thigh fillets, chicken breasts, or chicken wings. The chicken is then cut into bite-sized pieces for easy enjoyment. Next, the chicken is marinated with lime juice, oyster sauce, egg whites, and cornstarch. Add a little salt and pepper. This marination is done for 5-10 minutes to let the flavors seep into the chicken.

After marinating the chicken, we prepare the oats that will be used as a coating. If using rolled oats, chop them slightly to make them crunchier and more aromatic. Prepare two textures of oats: one coarsely chopped and one finely ground. If using instant oats or Nestum, they can be used directly without chopping.

The next step is frying the chicken. Heat oil in a pan, then coat the chicken pieces with the prepared oats. Fry the chicken in hot oil until cooked and golden brown. Make sure to fry the chicken over high heat to keep the oil temperature stable and the chicken perfectly cooked. Once cooked, remove and drain the chicken.

To make the stir-fry, heat oil and butter in a pan. Sauté the chopped garlic and sliced red chili peppers and bird’s eye chilies until fragrant. To reduce the spiciness for children, bird’s eye chilies can be omitted. After the garlic and chili are fragrant, add curry leaves and oats. Reduce the heat and cook until the oats are golden and aromatic. Add salt, sugar, and mushroom broth or MSG to give the right savory taste. Then, add the fried chicken and stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed. Also, add milk powder or creamer powder to give a distinctive savory flavor.

Here are the recipe and ingredient measurements:

resep ayam goreng oats

Oats Fried Chicken Recipe

Recipe by Devina Hermawan
Devina Hermawan’s Oats Fried Chicken features marinated chicken, coated in oats, and fried until crispy. It is served with garlic, chilies, curry leaves, butter, and milk powder. This dish is perfect for families, offering a savory and crunchy taste. The recipe is easy and practical.
Prep Time :15 minutes
Cook Time :20 minutes
Marination :10 minutes
Total Time :45 minutes
Cuisine :Singapore
Keyword :chicken recipe, fried chicken recipe


For the Chicken:
  • 500 grams of chicken thigh fillets can be substituted with chicken breast or chicken wings
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • Salt and pepper to taste
For the Stir-fry:
  • 3 cloves garlic chopped
  • 5 curry leaves
  • 2 red chili peppers sliced
  • 5 bird’s eye chilies sliced (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup oats can be substituted with Nestum or cornflakes
Additional Seasoning:
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Mushroom broth or MSG to taste
  • 2 tablespoons milk powder or creamer powder for the non-dairy version


Preparing the Chicken:

  • Cut the chicken thigh fillets into bite-sized pieces.
  • Marinate the chicken with lime juice, oyster sauce, egg white, and cornstarch. Add salt and pepper. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

Preparing the Oats:

  • If using rolled oats, chop them slightly to make them crunchier. If using instant oats, they can be used directly.
  • Prepare two textures of oats: one coarsely chopped and one finely ground.

Frying the Chicken:

  • Heat oil.
  • Coat the chicken pieces with the prepared oats.
  • Fry the chicken in hot oil until cooked and golden brown. Remove and drain.

Making the Stir-fry:

  • Heat oil and butter in a pan.
  • Sauté the garlic and chilies until fragrant.
  • Add curry leaves and oats, reduce the heat, and cook until the oats are golden and fragrant.
  • Add salt, sugar, and mushroom broth or MSG.
  • Add the fried chicken and stir until well mixed.
  • Add milk powder or creamer powder, and stir until well combined.
Keyword chicken recipe, fried chicken recipe

Complete Tips for Making Oats Fried Chicken

Choosing and Cutting Chicken:

  • Type of Chicken: Use chicken thigh fillets for juicier results. However, chicken breasts or wings can also be used according to taste.
  • Cut Size: Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces for easier eating and quicker cooking when fried. Small pieces also allow the marinade to absorb better.


  • Marination Time: Marinate the chicken for 5-10 minutes if using small pieces. For larger pieces or bone-in wings, marinate for 1-2 hours to allow the flavors to seep in better.
  • Marination Ingredients: Use lime juice to provide a fresh taste and eliminate the fishy smell. Oyster sauce, egg whites, and cornstarch help tenderize the chicken and make it more savory.

Processing Oats:

  • Type of Oats: If using rolled oats, chop them slightly to make them crunchier. For convenience, use instant oats that are already small or Nestum that does not need chopping.
  • Oat Texture: Prepare two textures of oats, one coarsely chopped for the main coating and one finely ground to provide an extra layer on the chicken.

Frying Chicken:

  • Hot Oil: Ensure the oil is hot before frying the chicken. This is important for the chicken to cook immediately and become crispy.
  • High Heat: Use high heat when frying to keep the oil temperature stable and the chicken cooked evenly.
  • Amount of Chicken: Do not put too much chicken in the oil at once to avoid a drastic drop in oil temperature.

Making the Stir-fry:

  • Stir-fry Ingredients: Sauté garlic and chili until fragrant. Do not let the garlic turn brown as it will give a bitter taste.
  • Curry Leaves: Use curry leaves to provide a distinctive aroma. If it’s hard to find curry leaves, you can try without them, but the aroma will be different.
  • Butter Usage: Butter provides a rich aroma and taste. Mix it with a little oil to prevent the butter from burning quickly.


  • Seasoning: Add salt, sugar, and mushroom broth or MSG as needed. Adding milk powder or creamer powder gives a distinctive savory taste.
  • Vegan Alternative: For a non-dairy or vegan option, use creamer powder instead of milk powder.
  • Children: For a children’s dish, remove the chili from the recipe to make it non-spicy. Add more butter to increase the deliciousness and stronger aroma.

Additional Tips:

  • Oat Variations: If you don’t want to use oats, you can try using cornflakes, but the taste and texture will be different.
  • Air Fryer: For a healthier method, the chicken can be cooked using an air fryer. Coat the chicken with oil before cooking in the air fryer until done.
  • Side Dishes: Serve Oats Fried Chicken with warm rice, stir-fried vegetables, or a fried egg for a complete meal.

This dish is very suitable to be served with warm rice, stir-fried vegetables, or a fried egg with a little soy sauce. Its savory taste with the distinctive aroma of garlic, butter, and curry leaves makes this dish a perfect choice for your family.

By following the tips above, you can achieve perfect Oats Fried Chicken, crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, with an appetizing aroma and taste.

Happy cooking and enjoy the savory and crunchy combination of this Oats Fried Chicken!